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Moran First Steps Mathematical PP2 Learner’s (Appd

Original price was: KSh261.00.Current price is: KSh235.00.

Moran First Steps Mathematical PP2 Learner’s  is a competency based course developed to equip the learners with necessary competencies, skills, values and knowledge geared towards developing the child wholly. The course employs an Inquiry-based approach to learning in all activities which equip learners with skills and the quest to learn and discover on their own.


The course: 

  • Encourages the use of learning materials from the learner’s immediate environment thus giving the learner an opportunity to appreciate the environment
  • Has a variety of activities which enable learners to explore and team
  • Covers all the outcomes in the syllabus
  • Has activities which integrate the core competence, values. and pertinent and contemporary issues
  • Has activities to encourage parental involvement in the learning of the children
  • Has activities that enable learners to appreciate and improve their community.


ISBN: 9789966630346


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