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Inventor Secondary Business Studies Form 2 by KLB

Original price was: KSh711.00.Current price is: KSh640.00.

Inventor Secondary Business Studies is a comprehensive, accessible and flexible coursebook for students of Business Studies. In order to make the subject more interesting and easy to comprehend, the book handles business concepts and current trends with exceptional vigour, logical flow of topics and an attractive language and style. It contains up-to-date examples and illustrations to enable the learner to appreciate how business concepts apply to real world situations. One of the key strengths of Inventor Secondary Business Studies Form Two is that it comprehensively covers the revised syllabus. The exercises, at the end of each chapter provide the learner with an opportunity to test his/her understanding of the key concepts considered in each chapter. A comprehensive subject index and glossary are provided for ease of reference.

ISBN: 9789966448095


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